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Elixir: Train a Large Language Model on a Small GPU Cluster

December 10, 2022

Haichen Huang, Jiarui Fang, Hongxin Liu, Shenggui Li, Yang You

In recent years, the number of parameters of one deep learning (DL) model has been growing much faster than the growth of GPU memory space. People who are inaccessible to a large number of GPUs resort to heterogeneous training systems for storing model parameters in CPU memory. Existing heterogeneous systems are based on parallelization plans in the scope of the whole model. They apply a consistent parallel training method for all the operators in the computation. Therefore, engineers need to pay a huge effort to incorporate a new type of model parallelism and patch its compatibility with other parallelisms. For example, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) is still incompatible with ZeRO-3 in Deepspeed. Also, current systems face efficiency problems on small scale, since they are designed and tuned for large-scale training. In this paper, we propose Elixir, a new parallel heterogeneous training system, which is designed for efficiency and flexibility. Elixir utilizes memory resources and computing resources of both GPU and CPU. For flexibility, Elixir generates parallelization plans in the granularity of operators. Any new type of model parallelism can be incorporated by assigning a parallel pattern to the operator. For efficiency, Elixir implements a hierarchical distributed memory management scheme to accelerate inter-GPU communications and CPU-GPU data transmissions. As a result, Elixir can train a 30B OPT model on an A100 with 40GB CUDA memory, meanwhile reaching 84% efficiency of Pytorch GPU training. With its super-linear scalability, the training efficiency becomes the same as Pytorch GPU training on multiple GPUs. Also, large MoE models can be trained 5.3x faster than dense models of the same size. Now Elixir is integrated into ColossalAI and is available on its main branch.

Parallel Training of Pre-Trained Models via Chunk-Based Dynamic Memory Management

November 7, 2022

Jiarui Fang, Zilin Zhu, Shenggui Li, Hui Su, Yang Yu, Jie Zhou, Yang You

The pre-trained model (PTM) is revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. However, the hardware requirement of PTM training is prohibitively high, making it a game for a small proportion of people. Therefore, we proposed PatrickStar system to lower the hardware requirements of PTMs and make them accessible to everyone. PatrickStar uses the CPU-GPU heterogeneous memory space to store the model data. Different from existing works, we organize the model data in memory chunks and dynamically distribute them in the heterogeneous memory. Guided by the runtime memory statistics collected in a warm-up iteration, chunks are orchestrated efficiently in heterogeneous memory and generate lower CPU-GPU data transmission volume and higher bandwidth utilization. Symbiosis with the Zero Redundancy Optimizer, PatrickStar scales to multiple GPUs on multiple nodes. The system can train tasks on bigger models and larger batch sizes, which cannot be accomplished by existing works. Experimental results show that PatrickStar extends model scales 2.27 and 2.5 times of DeepSpeed, and exhibits significantly higher execution speed. PatricStar also successfully runs the 175B GPT3 training task on a 32 GPU cluster. Our code is available at .

EnergonAI: An Inference System for 10-100 Billion Parameter Transformer Models

September 6, 2022

Jiangsu Du, Ziming Liu, Jiarui Fang, Shenggui Li, Yongbin Li, Yutong Lu, Yang You

Large transformer models display promising performance on a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Although the AI community has expanded the model scale to the trillion parameter level, the practical deployment of 10-100 billion parameter models is still uncertain due to the latency, throughput, and memory constraints.
In this paper, we proposed EnergonAI to solve the challenges of the efficient deployment of 10-100 billion parameter transformer models on single- or multi-GPU systems. EnergonAI adopts a hierarchy-controller system architecture to coordinate multiple devices and efficiently support different parallel patterns. It delegates the execution of sub-models to multiple workers in the single-controller style and applies tensor parallelism and pipeline parallelism among the workers in a multi-controller style. Upon the novel architecture, we propose three techniques, i.e. non-blocking pipeline parallelism, distributed redundant computation elimination, and peer memory pooling. EnergonAI enables the users to program complex parallel code the same as a serial one. Compared with the FasterTransformer, we have proven that EnergonAI has superior performance on latency and throughput. In our experiments, EnergonAI can achieve 37% latency reduction in tensor parallelism, 10% scalability improvement in pipeline parallelism, and it improves the model scale inferred on a single GPU by using a larger heterogeneous memory space at cost of limited performance reduction.

A Frequency-aware Software Cache for Large Recommendation System Embeddings

August 8, 2022

Jiarui Fang, Geng Zhang, Jiatong Han, Shenggui Li, Zhengda Bian, Yongbin Li, Jin Liu, Yang You

Deep learning recommendation models (DLRMs) have been widely applied in Internet companies. The embedding tables of DLRMs are too large to fit on GPU memory entirely. We propose a GPU-based software cache approaches to dynamically manage the embedding table in the CPU and GPU memory space by leveraging the id's frequency statistics of the target dataset. Our proposed software cache is efficient in training entire DLRMs on GPU in a synchronized update manner. It is also scaled to multiple GPUs in combination with the widely used hybrid parallel training approaches. Evaluating our prototype system shows that we can keep only 1.5% of the embedding parameters in the GPU to obtain a decent end-to-end training speed.

Go Wider Instead of Deeper

June 28, 2022

Fuzhao Xue, Ziji Shi, Futao Wei, Yuxuan Lou, Yong Liu, Yang You

More transformer blocks with residual connections have recently achieved impressive results on various tasks. To achieve better performance with fewer trainable parameters, recent methods are proposed to go shallower by parameter sharing or model compressing along with the depth. However, weak modeling capacity limits their performance. Contrastively, going wider by inducing more trainable matrixes and parameters would produce a huge model requiring advanced parallelism to train and inference. In this paper, we propose a parameter-efficient framework, going wider instead of deeper. Specially, following existing works, we adapt parameter sharing to compress along depth. But, such deployment would limit the performance. To maximize modeling capacity, we scale along model width by replacing feed-forward network (FFN) with mixture-of-experts (MoE). Across transformer blocks, instead of sharing normalization layers, we propose to use individual layernorms to transform various semantic representations in a more parameter-efficient way. To evaluate our plug-and-run framework, we design WideNet and conduct comprehensive experiments on popular computer vision and natural language processing benchmarks. On ImageNet-1K, our best model outperforms Vision Transformer (ViT) by 1.5% with 0.72 times trainable parameters. Using 0.46 times and 0.13 times parameters, our WideNet can still surpass ViT and ViT-MoE by 0.8% and 2.1%, respectively. On four natural language processing datasets, WideNet outperforms ALBERT by 1.8% on average and surpass BERT using factorized embedding parameterization by 0.8% with fewer parameters.

Sky Computing: Accelerating Geo-distributed Computing in Federated Learning

February 24, 2022

Jie Zhu, Shenggui Li, Yang You

Federated learning is proposed by Google to safeguard data privacy through training models locally on users' devices. However, with deep learning models growing in size to achieve better results, it becomes increasingly difficult to accommodate the whole model on one single device. Thus, model parallelism is then used to divide the model weights among several devices. With this logic, the approach currently used evenly allocates weights among devices. However, in reality, a computation bottleneck may occur resulting from variant computing power of different users' devices. To address this problem, load balancing is needed to allocate the model weights based on the computational capability of the device. In this paper, we proposed Sky Computing, a load-balanced model parallelism framework to adaptively allocate the weights to devices. Sky Computing outperforms the baseline method by 55% in training time when training 160-layer BERT with 64 nodes. The source code can be found at this https URL.

Online evolutionary batch size orchestration for scheduling deep learning workloads in GPU clusters

November 13, 2021

Zhengda Bian, Shenggui Li, Wei Wang, Yang You

Efficient GPU resource scheduling is essential to maximize resource utilization and save training costs for the increasing amount of deep learning workloads in shared GPU clusters. Existing GPU schedulers largely rely on static policies to leverage the performance characteristics of deep learning jobs. However, they can hardly reach optimal efficiency due to the lack of elasticity. To address the problem, we propose ONES, an ONline Evolutionary Scheduler for elastic batch size orchestration. ONES automatically manages the elasticity of each job based on the training batch size, so as to maximize GPU utilization and improve scheduling efficiency. It determines the batch size for each job through an online evolutionary search that can continuously optimize the scheduling decisions. We evaluate the effectiveness of ONES with 64 GPUs on TACC's Longhorn supercomputers. The results show that ONES can outperform the prior deep learning schedulers with a significantly shorter average job completion time.

Colossal-AI: A Unified Deep Learning System For Large-Scale Parallel Training

October 28, 2021

Shenggui Li, Jiarui Fang, Zhengda Bian, Hongxin Liu, Yuliang Liu, Haichen Huang, Boxiang Wang, Yang You

The success of Transformer models has pushed the deep learning model scale to billions of parameters. Due to the limited memory resource of a single GPU, However, the best practice for choosing the optimal parallel strategy is still lacking, since it requires domain expertise in both deep learning and parallel computing. The Colossal-AI system addressed the above challenge by introducing a unified interface to scale your sequential code of model training to distributed environments. It supports parallel training methods such as data, pipeline, tensor, and sequence parallelism, as well as heterogeneous training methods integrated with zero redundancy optimizer. Compared to the baseline system, Colossal-AI can achieve up to 2.76 times training speedup on large-scale models.

Cross-token Modeling with Conditional Computation

September 5, 2021

Yuxuan Lou, Fuzhao Xue, Zangwei Zheng, Yang You

Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), a conditional computation architecture, achieved promising performance by scaling local module (i.e. feed-forward network) of transformer. However, scaling the cross-token module (i.e. self-attention) is challenging due to the unstable training. This work proposes Sparse-MLP, an all-MLP model which applies sparsely-activated MLPs to cross-token modeling. Specifically, in each Sparse block of our all-MLP model, we apply two stages of MoE layers: one with MLP experts mixing information within channels along image patch dimension, the other with MLP experts mixing information within patches along the channel dimension. In addition, by proposing importance-score routing strategy for MoE and redesigning the image representation shape, we further improve our model's computational efficiency. Experimentally, we are more computation-efficient than Vision Transformers with comparable accuracy. Also, our models can outperform MLP-Mixer by 2.5\% on ImageNet Top-1 accuracy with fewer parameters and computational cost. On downstream tasks, i.e. Cifar10 and Cifar100, our models can still achieve better performance than baselines.

PatrickStar: Parallel Training of Pre-trained Models via Chunk-based Memory Management

August 12, 2021

Jiarui Fang, Zilin Zhu, Shenggui Li, Hui Su, Yang Yu, Jie Zhou, Yang You

The pre-trained model (PTM) is revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. However, the hardware requirement of PTM training is prohibitively high, making it a game for a small proportion of people. Therefore, we proposed PatrickStar system to lower the hardware requirements of PTMs and make them accessible to everyone. PatrickStar uses the CPU-GPU heterogeneous memory space to store the model data. Different from existing works, we organize the model data in memory chunks and dynamically distribute them in the heterogeneous memory. Guided by the runtime memory statistics collected in a warm-up iteration, chunks are orchestrated efficiently in heterogeneous memory and generate lower CPU-GPU data transmission volume and higher bandwidth utilization. Symbiosis with the Zero Redundancy Optimizer, PatrickStar scales to multiple GPUs on multiple nodes. % using data parallelism. The system can train tasks on bigger models and larger batch sizes, which cannot be accomplished by existing works. Experimental results show that PatrickStar extends model scales 2.27 and 2.5 times of DeepSpeed, and consistently exhibits significantly higher execution speed. PatricStar also successfully runs the 175B GPT3 training task on a 32 GPU cluster. Our code is publicly available at this https URL.

Maximizing Parallelism in Distributed Training for Huge Neural Networks

May 30, 2021

Zhengda Bian, Qifan Xu, Boxiang Wang, Yang You

The recent Natural Language Processing techniques have been refreshing the state-of-the-art performance at an incredible speed. Training huge language models is therefore an imperative demand in both industry and academy. However, huge language models impose challenges to both hardware and software. Graphical processing units (GPUs) are iterated frequently to meet the exploding demand, and a variety of ASICs like TPUs are spawned. However, there is still a tension between the fast growth of the extremely huge models and the fact that Moore's law is approaching the end. To this end, many model parallelism techniques are proposed to distribute the model parameters to multiple devices, so as to alleviate the tension on both memory and computation. Our work is the first to introduce a 3-dimensional model parallelism for expediting huge language models. By reaching a perfect load balance, our approach presents smaller memory and communication cost than existing state-of-the-art 1-D and 2-D model parallelism. Our experiments on 64 TACC's V100 GPUs show that our 3-D parallelism outperforms the 1-D and 2-D parallelism with 2.32x and 1.57x speedup, respectively.

Tesseract: Parallelize the Tensor Parallelism Efficiently

May 30, 2021

Boxiang Wang, Qifan Xu, Zhengda Bian, Yang You

Together with the improvements in state-of-the-art accuracies of various tasks, deep learning models are getting significantly larger. However, it is extremely difficult to implement these large models because limited GPU memory makes it impossible to fit large models into a single GPU or even a GPU server. Besides, it is highly necessary to reduce the training time for large models. Previous methods like Megatron-LM implemented a 1-Dimensional distributed method to use GPUs to speed up the training. However, these methods have a high communication overhead and a low scaling efficiency on large-scale clusters. To solve these problems, we propose Tesseract, a highly scalable tensor parallelism with a novel design. It increases efficiency by reducing communication overhead and lowers the memory required for each GPU. By introducing the novel dimension into tensor parallelism, Tesseract greatly increases the memory capacity of tensor parallelism. Concretely, this new dimension furthermore increases the degree of tensor parallelism. Compared to previous 1-D and 2-D methods, Tesseract manages to reduce the communication cost on each layer, resulting in speedups of 1.38x and 1.53x respectively with strong scaling. In weak scaling experiments, Tesseract achieves a maximum of 4.0/1.7 times inference speedup and 3.4/1.7 times throughput improvement compared to 1-D/2-D methods, respectively. By introducing Tesseract, we offer a more efficient and scalable way to implement large deep learning models with limited GPU resources.

Sequence Parallelism: Long Sequence Training from System Perspective

May 26, 2021

Shenggui Li, Fuzhao Xue, Chaitanya Baranwal, Yongbin Li, Yang You

Transformer achieves promising results on various tasks. However, self-attention suffers from quadratic memory requirements with respect to the sequence length. Existing work focuses on reducing time and space complexity from an algorithm perspective. In this work, we propose sequence parallelism, a memory-efficient parallelism method to help us break input sequence length limitation and train with longer sequences on GPUs efficiently. Our approach is compatible with most existing parallelisms (e.g. data parallelism, pipeline parallelism and tensor parallelism), which means our sequence parallelism makes 4D parallelism possible. More importantly, we no longer require a single device to hold the whole sequence. That is, with sparse attention, our sequence parallelism enables us to train transformer with infinite long sequence. Specifically, we split the input sequence into multiple chunks and feed each chunk into its corresponding device (i.e. GPU). To compute the attention output, we integrated ring-style communication with self-attention calculation and proposed Ring Self-Attention (RSA). Experiments show that sequence parallelism performs well when scaling with batch size and sequence length. Compared with tensor parallelism, our approach achieved 13.7× and 3.0× maximum batch size and sequence length respectively when scaling up to 64 NVIDIA P100 GPUs. With sparse attention, sequence can handle sequence with over 114K tokens, which is over 27× longer than existing sparse attention works holding the whole sequence on a single device.

An Efficient 2D Method for Training Super-Large Deep Learning Models

April 12, 2021

Qifan Xu, Shenggui Li, Chaoyu Gong, Yang You

Huge neural network models have shown unprecedented performance in real-world applications. However, due to memory constraints, model parallelism must be utilized to host large models that would otherwise not fit into the memory of a single device. Previous methods like Megatron partition the parameters of the entire model among multiple devices, while each device has to accommodate the redundant activations in forward and backward pass. In this work, we propose Optimus, a highly efficient and scalable 2D-partition paradigm of model parallelism that would facilitate the training of infinitely large language models. In Optimus, activations are partitioned and distributed among devices, further reducing redundancy. In terms of isoefficiency, Optimus significantly outperforms Megatron. On 64 GPUs of TACC Frontera, Optimus achieves 1.48X speedup for training, 1.78X speedup for inference, and 8X increase in maximum batch size over Megatron. Optimus surpasses Megatron in scaling efficiency by a great margin. The code is available at this https URL.

TurboTransformers: an efficient GPU serving system for transformer models

February 17, 2021

Jiarui Fang, Yang Yu, Chengduo Zhao, Jie Zhou

The transformer is the most critical algorithm innovation of the Nature Language Processing (NLP) field in recent years. Unlike the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models, transformers are able to process on dimensions of sequence lengths in parallel, therefore leads to better accuracy on long sequences. However, efficient deployments of them for online services in data centers equipped with GPUs are not easy. First, more computation introduced by transformer structures makes it more challenging to meet the latency and throughput constraints of serving. Second, NLP tasks take in sentences of variable length. The variability of input dimensions brings a severe problem to efficient memory management and serving optimization.

To solve the above challenges, this paper designed a transformer serving system called TurboTransformers, which consists of a computing runtime and a serving framework. Three innovative features make it stand out from other similar works. An efficient parallel algorithm is proposed for GPU-based batch reduction operations, like Softmax and LayerNorm, which are major hot spots besides BLAS routines. A memory allocation algorithm, which better balances the memory footprint and allocation/free efficiency, is designed for variable-length input situations. A serving framework equipped with a new batch scheduler using dynamic programming achieves the optimal throughput on variable-length requests. The system can achieve the state-of-the-art transformer model serving performance on GPU platforms and can be seamlessly integrated into your PyTorch code with a few lines of code.

Semantic Segmentation-Based Building Footprint Extraction Using Very High-Resolution Satellite Images and Multi-Source GIS Data

February 16, 2021

Weijia Li, Conghui He, Jiarui Fang, Juepeng Zheng, Haohuan Fu, Le Yu

Automatic extraction of building footprints from high-resolution satellite imagery has become an important and challenging research issue receiving greater attention. Many recent studies have explored different deep learning-based semantic segmentation methods for improving the accuracy of building extraction. Although they record substantial land cover and land use information (e.g., buildings, roads, water, etc.), public geographic information system (GIS) map datasets have rarely been utilized to improve building extraction results in existing studies. In this research, we propose a U-Net-based semantic segmentation method for the extraction of building footprints from high-resolution multispectral satellite images using the SpaceNet building dataset provided in the DeepGlobe Satellite Challenge of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2018 (CVPR 2018). We explore the potential of multiple public GIS map datasets (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and MapWorld) through integration with the WorldView-3 satellite datasets in four cities (Las Vegas, Paris, Shanghai, and Khartoum). Several strategies are designed and combined with the U-Net–based semantic segmentation model, including data augmentation, post-processing, and integration of the GIS map data and satellite images. The proposed method achieves a total F1-score of 0.704, which is an improvement of 1.1% to 12.5% compared with the top three solutions in the SpaceNet Building Detection Competition and 3.0% to 9.2% compared with the standard U-Net–based method. Moreover, the effect of each proposed strategy and the possible reasons for the building footprint extraction results are analyzed substantially considering the actual situation of the four cities.

A Robotic Communication Middleware Combining High Performance and High Reliability

October 22, 2020

Wei Liu, Hao Wu, Ziyue Jiang, Yifan Gong, Jiangming Jin

With the significant advances of AI technology, intelligent robotic systems have achieved remarkable development and profound effects. To enable massive data transmissionin an efficient and reliable way, both high performance andhigh reliability should be taken into account in system design. However, the conventional communication middleware used in the majority of autonomous robotic systems, is based on socked-based methods, which always lead to high latency. Moreover, some sophisticated communication middleware utilizes shared memory upon ring buffers for high performance without consideration of the reliability. To obtain both high performance and high reliability, we employ shared memory for performance improvement and propose a novel socket-based communication control algorithm to improve reliability during data transmission. Furthermore, based on the proposed algorithm, we implement a novel robotic communication middleware, named Robust-Z, combining both high performance and high reliability. Experimental results show that (1) Robust-Z is able to gain up to 41% and 5% performance improvement compared to ROS2 and Apollo CyberRT, respectively; (2) Robust-Z is able to provide crash safety and reduce 5.2% data missing rate compared with CyberRT.

Message Passing Optimization in Robot Operating System

November 16, 2019

Ziyue Jiang, Yifan Gong, Jidong Zhai, Yu-Ping Wang, Wei Liu, Hao Wu & Jiangming Jin

With the development of deep learning, autonomous robot systems grow rapidly and require better performance. Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) has been widely adopted as the main communication framework in autonomous robot systems. However, the performance of ROS2 has become the bottleneck of these real-time systems. From our observations, we find that it can take a large amount of time to serialize complex message in communication, especially for some high-level programming languages, including Python, Java and so on. To address this challenge, we propose a novel technique, called adaptive two-layer serialization algorithm, which can achieve good performance in communication for different kinds of messages. Experimental results show that our algorithm can achieve significant performance improvement over traditional methods in ROS2, up to 93% improvement in our framework. We have successfully applied our proposed techniques in a real autonomous robot system.

RedSync: Reducing synchronization bandwidth for distributed deep learning training system

May 30, 2019

JiaruiFang, Haohuan Fu, GuangwenYang, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Data parallelism has become a dominant method to scale Deep Neural Network (DNN) training across multiple nodes. Since the bandwidth requirement of synchronizing the gradients of the local model can be a bottleneck for large-scale distributed training, compressing communication traffic has gained widespread attention recently. Among several recent proposed compression algorithms, Residual Gradient Compression (RGC) is one of the most successful approaches—it can significantly compress the transmitting message size (0.1% of the gradient size) of each node and still achieve correct accuracy and the same convergence speed. However, the literature on compressing deep networks focuses almost exclusively on achieving good theoretical compression rate, while the efficiency of RGC in real implementation has been less investigated. In this paper, we develop an RGC method that is able to reduce the end-to-end training time on real-world multi-GPU systems. Our proposed RGC system design called RedSync, introduces a set of optimizations to reduce communication bandwidth while introducing limited overhead. We examine the performance of RedSync on two different multiple GPU platforms, including 128 GPUs of a supercomputer and an 8-GPU server. Our test cases include image classification on Cifar10 and ImageNet, and language modeling tasks on Penn Treebank and Wiki2 datasets. For DNNs featured with high communication to computation ratio, which has long been considered with poor scalability, RedSync shows significant performance improvement.

Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes

April 1, 2019

Yang You, Jing Li, Sashank Reddi, Jonathan Hseu, Sanjiv Kumar, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Xiaodan Song, James Demmel, Kurt Keutzer, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Training large deep neural networks on massive datasets is computationally very challenging. There has been recent surge in interest in using large batch stochastic optimization methods to tackle this issue. The most prominent algorithm in this line of research is LARS, which by employing layerwise adaptive learning rates trains ResNet on ImageNet in a few minutes. However, LARS performs poorly for attention models like BERT, indicating that its performance gains are not consistent across tasks. In this paper, we first study a principled layerwise adaptation strategy to accelerate training of deep neural networks using large mini-batches. Using this strategy, we develop a new layerwise adaptive large batch optimization technique called LAMB; we then provide convergence analysis of LAMB as well as LARS, showing convergence to a stationary point in general nonconvex settings. Our empirical results demonstrate the superior performance of LAMB across various tasks such as BERT and ResNet-50 training with very little hyperparameter tuning. In particular, for BERT training, our optimizer enables use of very large batch sizes of 32868 without any degradation of performance. By increasing the batch size to the memory limit of a TPUv3 Pod, BERT training time can be reduced from 3 days to just 76 minutes.

swCaffe: A Parallel Framework for Accelerating Deep Learning Applications on Sunway TaihuLight

November 1, 2018

Liandeng Li, Jiarui Fang, Haohuan Fu, Jinlei Jiang, Wenlai Zhao, Conghui He, Xin You, Guangwen Yang

This paper reports our efforts on swCaffe, a high-efficient parallel framework for accelerating deep neural networks (DNNs) training on Sunway TaihuLight, one of the fastest supercomputers in the world that adopts a unique heterogeneous many-core architecture. First, we point out some insightful principles to fully exploit the performance of the innovative many-core architecture. Second, we propose a set of optimization strategies for redesigning a variety of neural network layers based on Caffe. Third, we put forward a topology-aware parameter synchronization scheme to scale the synchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) method to multiple processors efficiently. We evaluate our framework by training a variety of widely used neural networks with the ImageNet dataset. On a single node, swCaffe can achieve 23% 119% overall performance compared with Caffe running on K40m GPU. As compared with Caffe on CPU, swCaffe runs 3.04 7.84× faster on all networks. When training ResNet50 and AlexNet with 1024 nodes, swCaffe can achieve up to 715.45× and 928.15× speedup.

ImageNet Training in Minutes

August 13, 2018

Yang You, Zhao Zhang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, James Demmel, Kurt Keutzer

In this paper, we investigate large scale computers' capability of speeding up deep neural networks (DNN) training. Our approach is to use large batch size, powered by the Layer-wise Adaptive Rate Scaling (LARS) algorithm, for efficient usage of massive computing resources. Our approach is generic, as we empirically evaluate the effectiveness on two neural networks: AlexNet and ResNet-50 trained with the ImageNet-1k dataset while preserving the state-of-the-art test accuracy. Compared to the baseline of a previous study from a group of researchers at Facebook, our approach shows higher test accuracy on batch sizes that are larger than 16K. Using 2,048 Intel Xeon Platinum 8160 processors, we reduce the 100-epoch AlexNet training time from hours to 11 minutes. With 2,048 Intel Xeon Phi 7250 Processors, we reduce the 90-epoch ResNet-50 training time from hours to 20 minutes. Our implementation is open source and has been released in the Intel distribution of Caffe v1.0.7.